Category: Uncategorized

  • Ego vs. Consciousness

    Have you ever found yourself in a situation where your ego and consciousness seem to be at odds with each other? This can be challenging and a little frustrating, so understanding the difference between the ego and consciousness is vital. In this article, we’ll dive into what each of these terms means, how they interact…

  • Consciousness vs. Perception

    Have you ever stopped to think about the difference between consciousness and perception? It’s a fascinating topic that touches on the very nature of our existence and how we interact with the world around us.  While the two concepts may seem interchangeable, they’re quite distinct and can impact how we experience reality and profound ways.…

  • Consciousness vs. Awareness

    When it comes to the spiritual and self-reflection journey, many terms are thrown around that can be quite confusing. Two of these are consciousness and awareness, and today we’re going to dive into this fascinating duo.  These two terms may seem similar at first, but they have distinct meanings and implications. Understanding the differences between…

  • What Is Inner Consciousness?

    Your inner consciousness is your awareness of a psychological or a spiritual fact. This is something that you intuitively possess and is unique to you. Therefore, your attention is focused inwards. Simple consciousness is the basic awareness of yourself and all that is around you. This is the most familiar consciousness. The inner consciousness is…

  • What Does It Mean to be Spiritually Conscious?

    If you’re into mindfulness or spiritual health, then you’ve probably heard the term spiritual consciousness thrown around a lot lately, but what exactly does it mean? Is it just some vague new-age concept, or is there something deeper to it?  We’re here to tell you that spiritual consciousness is more than just a passing trend…

  • Why Do We Lose Consciousness When We Sleep?

    Sleep is one of those human activities that have fascinated people for centuries. Many of us have wondered why we lose consciousness when we fall asleep and many other questions that come along with that.  We mean, we willingly close our eyes and drift off into a dreamy world only to wake up feeling refreshed…

  • How to Raise Your Consciousness to a Higher Vibration?

    Are you feeling stuck in your spiritual journey or craving A deeper connection with the universe? Well, if you are, then you’re in the right place because today, we’re going to talk about raising your consciousness to a higher power. Now before you start picturing a group of Yogi sitting cross-legged on a mountaintop, let…

  • What is a Shift in Consciousness?

    Have you ever changed the way you see the world? Maybe it was a life-altering event or a profound realization that shifted your perspective on things. Well, that’s what we’re going to be talking about today- a shift in consciousness.  We’re going to delve deeper into what a shift in consciousness is, what causes this,…

  • How to Stay Conscious While Asleep?

    Staying conscious while asleep is sometimes called lucid dreaming. This is a state where you are aware that you are dreaming and can even control your dreams.  This skill is gaining in popularity as a way to explore the vast expanse of our minds while catching some shut eye.  So if you’re looking to add…

  • How To Align Conscious And Subconscious Mind?

    Our conscious mind keeps us aware of what is currently happening to us. It also involves our thoughts, feelings, and memories. It does all our objective thinking, although it is limited in storage capacity. Our subconscious mind is responsible for all the decisions we make without actively thinking about them. It stores all our experiences…

  • Why is Consciousness a Psychological Construct?

    Have you ever stopped to ponder the nature of consciousness? It’s one of those intriguing concepts that’s hard to pin down, yet it’s central to our human experience.  From the moment we wake up to the moment we fall asleep, consciousness is our constant companion, shaping our thoughts, emotions, and actions.  But what is it?…

  • How To Transcend Consciousness?

    The definition of transcend is to move upwards and beyond. It is to go further, to be better at something, or to be limitless. Our consciousness is our primary awareness of who we are and what we experience. Transcendental consciousness is part of your consciousness. It is the fourth state, after waking, dreaming, and sleeping.…

  • How To Bypass The Conscious Mind?

    The conscious mind holds your thoughts, feelings, memories, and anything else you know. It has a limited capacity in what it can keep track of. It is most similar to short-term memory. The conscious mind has four important functions. They are :    Identification Comparison Analysis Decisions   The conscious mind is only capable of…

  • Where Does Consciousness Go During Sleep

    Consciousness can be described as an awareness of everything that you experience. It encompasses all your thoughts, feelings, and sensations. Consciousness is unique to each individual. There has been a lot of interest in how our consciousness works, especially when we are asleep. When we sleep, our state of awareness is lowered. As a result,…

  • What Is The Study Of Consciousness

    Consciousness is your awareness of yourself and of all things around you. The study of consciousness is a complex subject that many people have differing views on. Consciousness involves both religion and science. Science puts consciousness as a study that is materialistic. In comparison, religion emphasizes the spiritual and mental aspects of consciousness. This is…

  • How To Stop Conscious Breathing

    Conscious breathing is being aware of your breath as you breathe in and out. Usually, we breathe without thinking about the process. Instead, it is an involuntary action that happens. We only become aware of our breathing when we are in a difficult situation.  For example, holding your breath underwater, exercising strenuously, or even being…

  • How To Expand Your Consciousness

    How To Expand Your Consciousness

    Your consciousness is defined by being aware of yourself and your surroundings. It involves your thoughts, your feelings, and your senses. It is unique to yourself. Expanding your consciousness helps you to strengthen your inner self. As a result, you encourage yourself to grow and evolve. As a result, you can enhance the quality of…

  • How To Change Your Consciousness

    How To Change Your Consciousness

    The definition of consciousness is to be aware of all external and internal factors. We all have a consciousness that is unique to us. Your consciousness is always changing from one experience to another. When your consciousness changes, your perception of your surroundings also changes. There are various states of consciousness. Some of them are:…

  • Conscious vs. Mindful

    Conscious vs. Mindful

    Being conscious is being aware of yourself and everything around you. You are in control of your actions and your thoughts. You can change from one instance to another and be aware of doing so. Consciousness is a state that is always present. So even if you are occupied with something, consciously, you are aware…

  • Are We All One Consciousness?

    Are We All One Consciousness?

    We are all linked to one consciousness. This is also known as the universal consciousness. It is present everywhere at the same time in its completeness. It is the awareness that whatever you do is linked to everything. One Consciousness is said to be absolute and omnipresent. It is said to be you and your…

  • Can Your Consciousness be Transferred?

    Can Your Consciousness be Transferred?

    Many of us, at some point in our life, wish that we could live forever. But, unfortunately, immortality is something that is not possible at this current point in time. However, we’re sure many people are working on trying to figure out how to make it a possibility. Our bodies are fragile and experience the…

  • How to Experience Cosmic Consciousness

    How to Experience Cosmic Consciousness

    Consciousness! When we hear the term, we automatically go straight to the traditional idea of consciousness, which is most often associated with Mystics and other religious individuals from various faiths. However, looking at it as a cosmic concept rather than an internal concept can be very challenging for many people. But there are some that…

  • How to Train Your Conscious Mind

    How to Train Your Conscious Mind

    Your mind is the central computer for your entire body. But more than the physical aspects of your person, the brain is also responsible for mental and spiritual activities. So to get the most out of life, you and your mind must work together and be focused and clear. How do you train your conscious…

  • Soul Consciousness vs. Body Consciousness

    Soul Consciousness vs. Body Consciousness

    Consciousness is defined as being aware of yourself and the environment around you. It is your thoughts, feelings, and all other emotions that make an impression on you. There are different types of consciousness. The most notable consciousness is the consciousness of the soul. You accept all the good and bad traits within you and…

  • What is Conscious Sleep?

    What is Conscious Sleep?

    Sleep is very important not only to your physical health but your mental and spiritual as well. Though most often, when you drift into sleep, you find yourself in a somewhat unconscious state for a short amount of time before you start dreaming, there is a special type of sleeping called conscious sleep. Conscious sleep…

  • Can You Be Conscious While Dreaming?

    Can You Be Conscious While Dreaming?

    Dreams are something that many researchers, both in the physical medical field as well as psychology, have been fascinated by for centuries. Even before modern science’s advent, dreaming was looked at as a tool to give individuals insight, not the mysteries of the universe and the self. Our consciousness is very active when we sleep,…

  • How Much of the Brain Is Conscious?

    How Much of the Brain Is Conscious?

    The brain is the most important organ in our body as it is the main control unit of every single function and network in our bodies. When we talk about its functions, we often think of it in terms of conscious versus subconscious. This brings up the question of just how conscious our brain is.…

  • What is Conscious Spirituality?

    What is Conscious Spirituality?

    For centuries man has looked to spirituality to answer many questions, including where humanity fits into the cycle of life. Even though this question is still being asked daily, many people unconsciously take the journey into spirituality. No matter the path you choose to follow for your spirituality, you can intentionally make that journey. This…

  • Are We Conscious When We Sleep?

    Are We Conscious When We Sleep?

    Most people look at sleep as the time when our bodies shut down and tune out of the world. But the truth is that sleep is way more than simply our bodies shutting down and resting for the following day. While we’re sleeping at certain points during the process, our mind is very much conscious.…

  • Can You Lose Consciousness While Sleeping?

    Can You Lose Consciousness While Sleeping?

    Consciousness and sleep are two words that are often used together when discussing sleep cycles and what happens in them. A popular assumption is that we do lose consciousness as we fall asleep until the dreams begin to kick in. In other words, until we reach REM sleep, we are unconscious. But is that accurate?…

  • What Does Higher Consciousness Feel Like?

    What Does Higher Consciousness Feel Like?

    Many of us look on with, and I do think, it’s kind of at religious individuals with awe as they can, through different practices, find a higher level of consciousness. But these levels of consciousness are not solely for these practitioners, even the average everyday person can find a way to higher consciousness. Why would…

  • How to Access Pure Consciousness?

    How to Access Pure Consciousness?

    The meaning of life is something that people have chased after for centuries. Taking in everything they could learn and experience to find a balance and peacefulness within themselves. In other words, they’re looking for pure awareness, or as many will call it, pure consciousness. With pure consciousness, you gain power over your thoughts and…

  • What Does It Mean To Raise Consciousness?

    What Does It Mean To Raise Consciousness?

    Have you ever heard someone talk about raising their consciousness? If you have, you may be seriously confused and wondering what the heck they’re talking about. The truth is, with a lot of self-help and mindfulness practices raising your consciousness is very prevalent. So what does it mean? When boiled down, raising your consciousness is…

  • When You Meditate You See Blue

    When You Meditate You See Blue

    Meditation is a way of clearing your mind and focusing on the present. It is very popular and is practiced worldwide. It develops your mental capabilities as well as improves your health. In meditation, you slow down your breathing and concentrate on a single thought. This helps to reduce your levels of stress and anxiety.…

  • How to Accept the Present Moment

    How to Accept the Present Moment

    Accepting the present moment will allow you to move out of being mired in the past and the present and really experience life. But that is easier said than done for a lot of people. This is because we are inundated with feelings and emotions and constantly dwelling on things that we can’t control. This…

  • Meditation Will Change Your Life

    Meditation Will Change Your Life

    Meditation is an ancient practice that has a lot of benefits both mentally and physically as well as spiritually. Including meditation in your daily practice will greatly impact your ability to handle stress and anxiety. The idea behind meditation is to allow you to find a way to balance your energies and be in balance…

  • How Does Meditation Change Your Life?

    How Does Meditation Change Your Life?

    Meditation is a technique widely practiced by many people. It offers you many physical benefits as well as psychological benefits. Overall, meditation has been widely recommended as a method of improving our quality of life. Once you start meditating, you will notice a change in your life. You become mindful of everything and everyone around…

  • How Long is the Present Moment?

    How Long is the Present Moment?

    One of the biggest cornerstones of mindfulness is being in the present moment. After all, that is exactly what mindfulness and the skills cultivated are intended to allow you to do. But what exactly does moment mean? How long does the present moment last? Being in the present moment means being mindful of what is.…

  • What Does It Mean To Live In The Present Moment?

    What Does It Mean To Live In The Present Moment?

    To live in the present moment, you must free yourself from the past and the future. Stop thinking of how things were and how things are going to be. Instead, focus on what is happening right now. Living in the present moment means appreciating everything that you have right now and being thankful for it.…

  • How To Stop Holding On To The Past

    How To Stop Holding On To The Past

    There are events in history that have changed humanity permanently, such as the Black Plague or the World Wars. Here, as the 2022 year comes to an end, there have been quite a few of those events in the past few years, including a Pandemic of global impact. Some will say to forget the bad…

  • Is It Normal to Fall Asleep While Meditating?

    Is It Normal to Fall Asleep While Meditating?

    If you are into meditation, we are sure you have woken up on more than one occasion and wondered what happened. Maybe like many, you feel like you have failed when it comes to your meditation session and wonder if anyone else has had to deal with this. The truth is it is very common…

  • Why Does Music Calm You Down?

    Why Does Music Calm You Down?

    Music can be a profound tool to use to relax and help with mental health. In other words, many people use music to help calm them down. However, even those who tout music’s effects on your mood may still question exactly how it works. So why does music calm you down? The answer lies in…

  • Can’t Sleep On Sunday Night

    Can’t Sleep On Sunday Night

    Not being able to sleep on a Sunday night is now all too common. Although Insomnia has been blamed for this, it is only part of the problem. There are other factors to consider. Sunday heralds the start of a new week ahead. Many people find themselves stressing about the challenges it brings. The constant…

  • What is a Good Fitbit Stress Management Score?

    Fitbit is a well-known device when it comes to tracking physical activity. However, the newest models have many other features that can create a much healthier lifestyle. As we all know, there is more to health than just focusing on the physical. One of the biggest factors of health is your mental health. So, S…

  • Jobs That Aren’t Fast Paced

    Jobs That Aren’t Fast Paced

    There are many reasons that one may be looking for a slower-paced job. Maybe you just need something calmer due to health concerns, or you just are tired of being tired. No matter your reason, though, you shouldn’t be discouraged in your search because there are tons of options out there when it comes to…

  • How to Feel Like You’re Floating

    How to Feel Like You’re Floating

    Many people experience a floating sensation during meditation or while they’re relaxing. Because of this, there has been a surge in trying to create a floating experience to achieve ultimate calm and balance. The focus on having this light feeling has caused many people to wonder how you can make yourself feel that way. There…

  • Curled Incense Meaning

    Curled Incense Meaning

    Incense is a natural material that is burnt to release an aromatic fragrance. Usually made from plant-based material and infused with essential oils. Incense is used for ambiance, meditation, yoga, and healing therapy. Incense comes in different forms, the most common being incense sticks. They are made from a slim stick of bamboo and coated…

  • Can I Lay Down And Meditate?

    Can I Lay Down And Meditate?

    Meditating is a method of focusing on your mind and body. There are a number of meditation practices that can be used to calm the mind and bring a sense of well-being. In meditation, you can focus on a specific activity, like breathing or repeating a mantra. You can also focus on being mindful of…

  • Mantra To Get Over Someone

    Mantra To Get Over Someone

    A mantra is a word or phrase you repeat while meditating. It helps you focus by calming your mind, easing stress, and bringing peace. There are many mantras that you can choose to help you in meditation. Chanting a mantra also helps you to cope with your problems. For instance, dealing with a breakup is…

  • Why Does My Third Eye Tingle?

    The third eye is a mystical invisible eye, and it is said to be located in the center of the forehead. It is also known as the Ajna Chakra, the sixth chakra of the body. It is linked with light, perception, and intuition. Spiritually, the third eye is symbolic of the state of enlightenment. It…

  • Why Is It So Hard To Be Present?

    To be present means to be living in the current moment and to be aware of doing so. It is also known as mindfulness. You are emotionally connected to what is happening right now. To be present at the moment is immensely beneficial. You are able to have a fulfilling life because you accept the…

  • Why Is Om So Powerful?

    The most basic word in a mantra, Om, is familiar to everyone. It is chanted during meditation to bring peace and calmness to the soul. It fills your body with tranquility and keeps you grounded. Om is a universal mantra that is easy to say and widely recognized. Regular chanting of Om helps you achieve…

  • Is Daydreaming A Form Of Meditation?

    Is Daydreaming A Form Of Meditation?

    Daydreaming is common to all. It can happen at any time during the day and even when you are engaged in doing something. It is a conscious way of spacing out and bringing you enjoyment. When you daydream, you allow your mind to wander. You think of happy memories, places, people, or things you would…

  • Which Mantra Is Good For Peace Of Mind

    A mantra or mantram is a sacred word, a sound, or a phrase, usually recited in Sanskrit. The word mantra is made from 2 Sanskrit words. They are Manas, meaning ‘mind,’ and Tra, which means ‘tools.’   The types of mantras vary according to Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. Practitioners believe that mantras have spiritual powers…

  • Why Does My Incense Keep Going Out?

    Incense is a combustible substance that produces an aromatic fragrance when burnt. Incense is made using fragrant plant materials infused with essential oils. Burning incense is done for a variety of reasons. They are :    Meditation Religious Worship Aromatherapy   Once the incense is ignited, the flame is gently extinguished. The ember will then…

  • Benefits of Listening to 528 Hz

    Benefits of Listening to 528 Hz

    There are a lot of studies that go into the effects of sound on the human body and mental state. One of the most interesting aspects of this study is the solfeggio frequencies. These are nine tones that are said to create positive changes in the body.  One of the most elusive of those is…

  • Does Meditation Help with Overthinking?

    Does Meditation Help with Overthinking?

    All of us, at some point in our lives, have laid awake at night and unable to get to sleep because our brains just won’t shut down.  Unfortunately, this frequently happens to many people, especially those that are chronic overthinkers. But there are many techniques one can use to combat this. One of the most…

  • How to Meditate On a Question?

    How to Meditate On a Question?

    There are many reasons that you may begin meditating. From trying to calm an overactive mind to answering a particular question, all of the ways that you utilize meditation if done properly, are valid.  Many people know about the calming aspect, but not everyone understands meditation on a question. The meditation practice is the same.…

  • Why Does My Incense Keep Going Out Spiritual Meaning?

    Incense is used in a lot of spiritual practices. Everything from Christianity to Wicca incense plays a vital role in many rituals and is used in a plethora of different ways. A lot of the time, incense is used as a cleansing or conduit for intentions.  Because of this, there are certain spiritual meanings behind…

  • Why Does My Third Eye Tingle?

    For those involved in meditation or any type of spiritual practice, especially with eastern practices, you have probably heard repeatedly about the third eye. This is the 6th chakra and the chakra that is in charge of intuition and psychic ability. Though there is so much more to this chakra than just the psychic ability…

  • Why Does Rain Calm Me Down?

     Many of us have experienced sitting in our homes watching the rain fall outside, listening to it hit the roof, and enjoying whatever activities we have for our rainy days. Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon event, and many people wonder why rain has this effect on everybody. The truth is that rain produces a…

  • Is It Possible to Levitate While Meditating?

    Is It Possible to Levitate While Meditating?

    Meditating can bring a lot of wonderful benefits to your life. It allows you to calm your mind and align your energies with the world around you. This can lead to happiness and a lighter feeling, but some wonder if it can do other things for you on a more metaphysical level. For instance, is…

  • What Does State of Being Mean?

    What Does State of Being Mean?

    When you’re looking to improve your life through spring self-help and development, there are a lot of new terminologies that you may not be familiar with.  In addition, some of the concepts within mindfulness and self-improvement can be quite fluid in their definitions. Take, for instance, the term state of being. The state of being…

  • What Frequency Opens the Third Eye?

    What Frequency Opens the Third Eye?

    One of the key principles of finding a healthy balance in your life and the world around you is to ensure that your chakras are all aligned. There are seven chakras, each of which affects different body parts regarding the energy fields.  One of the many shockers that people attempt to access and open up…

  • What is a Calm Person Like?

    What is a Calm Person Like?

    The uncertainty and ever-changing world around us often make us, at one point or another other, very anxious. But some individuals in the world are always calm individuals. These calm people can handle extreme situations with ease. Calm people are those that live in the moment and don’t stress about the future or the past.…

  • What Type of Music Should You Listen to While Meditating?

    Meditation has become something that many people have incorporated into their daily life. But just like everything else, some very controversial ideas float around.  For instance, take the use of music during meditation. Some will say that it takes away from the process, and others say it enhances it. The choice of meditating with music…

  • What Does It Mean When Your Incense Curls?

    What Does It Mean When Your Incense Curls?

    Burning incense is something that has been done for centuries. No matter what spiritual practice you do, whether you prescribe to western or eastern philosophy, incense in some manner has played a role in your religious ceremonies. So it’s no wonder that there is a whole art of divining that is attached to the smoke…

  • What Does It Mean When Your Incense Burns Straight Up?

    What Does It Mean When Your Incense Burns Straight Up?

    Incense can be used to purify the room and allow for concentration during a meditative or ritual process. This spiritual tool has been used like this for centuries and is thought to be the conduit for your intentions and prayers to reach the be. Because of this, it is often used when it comes to…

  • What Does It Mean When Incense Smoke Splits in Two?

    What Does It Mean When Incense Smoke Splits in Two?

    In the spiritual world, there are many ways that one can divine signs and the future. From tarot cards to pyromancy, divination has been done in a multitude of different ways for centuries. One of those just happens to be something called libanomancy, otherwise known as divining the patterns and shapes formed by the smoke…

  • How To Be More Quiet and Calm

    How To Be More Quiet and Calm

    Emotions are healthy to have but being overly anxious and stressed often leads people to be aggressive and agitated at all times. There is a benefit to being able to remain quiet and calm even in the most stressful situations. But how do you do that in a world that seems inundated with things that…

  • How to Know If I Am Meditating or Sleeping

    How to Know If I Am Meditating or Sleeping

    Meditation is a great way to calm your mind and center yourself so that you can handle the rigors of your daily life. But sometimes, when you’re meditating, if you’re anything like us, there’s a question of whether it’s actually meditation or simply taking a nap. How do you know if you’re meditating and not…

  • Incense Burning in a Spiral Spiritual Meaning

    Incense Burning in a Spiral Spiritual Meaning

    Many aspects of spiritual practice can be interpreted to assist you in determining the universe and its guidance to you. One of the most popular spiritual tools used is incense. The smoke and other aspects of incense can be utilized in many different spiritual ways, including the reading of the smoke that comes from it.…

  • Incense Smoke Making Circles

    Incense Smoke Making Circles

    Incense has been used in ritual ceremonies in multiple different practices for centuries. For example, it is used to carry prayers to the universe or to cleanse and is a tool that should be present in every spiritual household. Along with that, many people utilize it for certain divine aspects. Where the smoke goes or…

  • Left Eye Burning Meaning Spiritual

    Left Eye Burning Meaning Spiritual

    It’s not surprising that the eyes are such a focal point when it comes to spirituality. After all, they are one of the key senses that help us go about our daily lives. Though mostly they are symbolic of end sites, there are specific things that could occur, like burning, that may lead you to…

  • Right Eyelid Twitching Spiritual Meaning

    Right Eyelid Twitching Spiritual Meaning

    Every aspect of every part of your day could be filled with meanings and signs that you’re just not paying attention to if you’re someone who believes in signs and spiritual meanings behind things though we are sure that’s not the case. Being aware of the universe trying to send you signals can help you…

  • Why Am I So Calm All the Time?

    In this hectic, fast-paced world, sometimes it is very hard to remain calm. For most of us, the struggle is real, but some people out there just seem to be calm all the time. These individuals may not even understand how they remain so calm and ask themselves why they are so calm all the…

  • Why Am I Tired After Meditation?

    Meditation is one of the practices many people have started in a crazy world that produces tons of anxiety and stress. But if you’re anything like us, you probably have noticed that you sometimes feel very tired after meditation. This is not something to worry about. It’s fairly common. This is because the brain waves…

  • Why Do My Friends Give Me Anxiety?

    Oftentimes we’ve had a stressful day, and we’re feeling anxious. We’ll try to go out with her friends to spend some time. But what happens when those friends are the ones that give us anxious feelings? This can be frustrating and hard to understand, especially if these are the people that you hold dearest to…

  • Should You Listen to Music While Meditating?

    Should You Listen to Music While Meditating?

    Music has an almost magical effect on almost everybody. One piece of music can make us feel intense happiness, and another can give us focus when we’re trying to execute a difficult task. Music, like meditation, has a wonderful effect on humans spiritually, emotionally, and physically. So adding music to your meditative practices can help…

  • What Does Grounding Mean in Meditation?

    What Does Grounding Mean in Meditation?

    There are many types of meditation out there that you can choose from. One of the terms you may hear when looking into meditation is grounding exercises. But what exactly does grounding mean when it comes to meditation? First, the process of grounding during meditation is intended to help put you back into the present…

  • What Would Happen If You Meditate All Day?

    Let’s face it we all live in a world that is full of hectic, fast-paced obstacles that we have to navigate daily. Unfortunately, this often causes us to have anxiety and stress, and one of the ways many people combat this is through meditation. Like with anything, many people think the longer you meditate, the…

  • Can’t Sleep in Bed But Can On Couch?

    Can’t Sleep in Bed But Can On Couch?

    We’ve all had it happen. We were resting on the couch, dozing in and out, and we decided that maybe the bed would be a little more comfortable. But then, when we get up and go to bed, suddenly we’re awake again. Why can’t we sleep the same in bed as we do on the…

  • Do Delta Waves Help You Sleep?

    Do Delta Waves Help You Sleep?

    Sleep is one of the most vital things when it comes to one’s overall health. So understanding the cycles and how your brain works when it comes to sleep can potentially help you improve it. There are many stages when it comes to sleep, and one of those produces something called delta waves. Delta waves…

  • Is Meditation Better in the Morning or At Night?

    Is Meditation Better in the Morning or At Night?

    Many people look to meditation in this hectic world to help them manage stress and anxiety. A successful meditation is figuring out what works best for you. One of the chief questions is when to execute the practice. The truth is meditation is better when it is done when it fits with your schedule. There…

  • Palo Santo Makes Me Nauseous

    Palo Santo Makes Me Nauseous

    Palo santo (Spanish for “holy wood”) is a traditional remedy used by the indigenous people of Ecuador, Peru, and other South American countries for generations to reduce pain, inflammation, and stress. The most probable and clinically backed reason why you might feel nauseous when exposed to palo santo is that you have some form of…

  • Smudge Stick Wont Stay Lit

    Smudge Stick Wont Stay Lit

    Whether you use it for cleansing, as part of a ceremony, or you simply like the smell of it, smudge sticks can be a hassle to light and have smoked the whole time you want or need it. The most common reason your smudge stick won’t stay lit is that there is insufficient airflow to…

  • Seeing Purple Light During Meditation

    Meditation is something that many people have embraced over the past few decades. As a spiritual practice has been around for eons, it is something that many people have come to rely on to help them navigate their stressful lives. But there is a spiritual aspect to it, and so many reported seeing colors while…

  • Does Meditating Help With Manifestations?

    There are a wealth of different reasons why many people have embraced meditation in their lives. From wanting to relieve some of the stress and tension based on all of us in this hectic, crazy wanting to create a more harmonious lifestyle with the world within them or around them, these reasons all have one…

  • Can You Manifest While Meditating?

    As human beings, we all want something that we don’t have at some point in our lives. This desire can be as simple as wanting a raise or as intricate as wanting a whole new life. There are many ways to achieve your goals or desires, one of which is the process of manifestation. Manifestation…